Notices and Service Rates
No Trespassing Signs were installed at the end of the laterals/alley to discourage distruction of system equipment by vehicles. The laterals/alleys are for utiltiyty access only. Access your property from the street entrance only. Trespassing is illegal and trespassers that damage system property will be held liable for all cost for repairs.
Thunderbird IWDD1 has transitioned from previous managemnt. Thank you for your patience.
Please make payments via mail at PO Box 150, Maricopa, AZ 85139 or website by logging into your account. Card payments can be made via phone with the office administrator during business hours. Card payments have a $5 processing fee. The maximum credit amount allowed on accounts is $100.
Effective February 20, 2022
NEW SERVICE INSTALLATION RATE: 2” meter install (materials & labor) ……….$700.00 (Payment installments available with Board approval) Customer is responsible for connection on their side of the meter with a rigid pipe buried at a depth of at least 1 ft inside property boundary. Customer shall install a shutoff valve 18”s from meter (to be used by customer when making repairs/changes to lines on customer’s property). CUSTOMER SHALL AT NO TIME SHUT OFF OR TURN ON DISTRICT VALVE. CUSTOMER SHALL NOTIFY DISTRICT WHEN READY FOR TURN ON (within 10 days).
SERVICE TURN ON (EXISTING METER): Non-refundable fee……….$100.00
WATER RATE: MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE (regardless of usage/no usage)……….$10.00
*Notify Office if service is to be discontinued. Monthly Fees will stop only after the office receives notification. *
USAGE RATE: Tier 1: $1.80 PER 1000 Gallons; 1 - 69,999 Gallons. Tier 2: $3.00 PER 1000 Gallons; 70,000 and more
RECONNECTION FEES: (If service is Shut off due to payment delinquency.) RECONNECT FEE:……….$100.00 (PLUS ALL DELINQUENT WATER CHARGES) Service will be reinstated once account is paid in full including reconnect fee. If account is not paid by due date, service will be shut off as notified. Notification will be provided on the next regular billing cycle. No More than (2) billing cycles will be allowed to accumulate on a customer account. The customer and/or landowner will be given (30) days to settle the account to avoid a lien being placed on the property. Water Charges are attached to Real Property. A lien against Real Property will be filed with the Pinal County Recorder (30) days after shut off. (Fees will be charged for lien process) *PLEASE NOTIFY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN WRITING IF SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES/EVENTS EXIST.
NSF CHECK FEE: $50.00 fee for non-sufficient funds check. Restitution must be made within (12) days of notification ARS 12-671©. If payment is not made within the (12) days, service will be disconnected, and all pertinent documents and information will be turned over to the Pinal County Attorney.
This charge will be incurred for water loss and replacement costs of damaged property when caused by owner, tenant, or agent as a result of, but not inclusive to the following: Tampering with District property: Meters, valves, service lines, lateral easement. Tampering with a Utilities property can result in criminal charges.
CROSS-CONNECTIONS WITH DOMESTIC WATER LINES: All displaced water will be billed to cross-connected account in violation. (domestic water is pressurized and causes the Irrigation District tank to overflow resulting in a damages/loss. The amount of overflow be billed to the cross-connected account) The Irrigation District MUST report cross-connections to the Domestic Water District. (If you are not sure if this condition could exist on your property, call the office for assistance).
PUMPS: The Irrigation District operates a gravity flow system. Pumps installed on the system without an appropriately sized tank between the meter and the pump will result in a disconnection of service until the issue is resolved. The tank should be sized in accordance to the draw capacity of the pump. Pumps connected to the system cause damage. An improperly installed pump on a lateral affects all the users on the lateral.